Great orthodontic treatment restores your personal confidence, from how you feel to how you look
Creating Beautiful Smiles At i-Orthodontics, our mission statement is simple, yet powerful: “Live Life Smiling.” As orthodontic specialists, our goal is to offer an easy and effective orthodontic experience to patients. At each of our locations in Denver, we focus on a patient-friendly atmosphere and approach that delivers cutting-edge orthodontic treatment. Our proven orthodontic treatment methods apply innovative simplicity to create your brightest smile.
Excellence in Orthodontics
Orthodontic care is not just about straight teeth. Dr. Isaac’s personalized treatment is considerate of the impact your teeth have on your lips, chin and face. The outcome of your orthodontic treatment is as important to us as it is to you. Dr. Isaac’s research on orthodontic treatment outcomes has been formally presented to the Angle Society of Orthodontics, a group dedicated to excellence in orthodontics.
Invisalign Experts
i-Orthodontics is one of Denver’s few Invisalign Diamond Plus Providers. Dr. Isaac has completed additional courses and training to provide the highest level of Invisalign treatment. Invisalign takes a modern approach to straight teeth, using a custom-fitted series of aligners. These aligners are made of smooth, clear plastic that you simply wear over your teeth. The discreet appearance earned Invisalign the nickname, “invisible braces.” Wearing the Invisalign aligners will gradually, gently shift your teeth into place. You just swap out each aligner in the series based on Dr. Isaac’s treatment plan. No brackets, no wires. The only thing people will notice is your beautiful smile.
Dr. Isaac has been practicing orthodontics in Colorado for over 5 years. He completed his undergraduate studies at Stanford University and later attended the prestigious University of Pennsylvania as a Dean’s Scholar, where he received his Doctorate of Medicine in Dentistry with multiple honors. Read more about Dr. Isaac here!
The Orthodontic Lifestyle
i-Orthodontics provides many benefits to our patients, from brighter smiles to improved overall oral health. We also stay ahead of the curve to discover the latest orthodontic innovations, updates and news for you.
Overcoming Orthodontic ...
Many adults come to i-Orthodontics expecting to prevent crooked smiles for their kids and teenagers. But adults are no ...